more and one of our favourite places is the airport.
Not the actual building but the strip of land that
runs along the back of the runway. Its the perfect
spot for a picnic and watching the plans fly
literally feet (or seems that way) over your head!
There's a stream nearby and the kids love watching
the tiny fish and the paths are just perfect for
scooters :-)

And Saturday we went to Chessingtons World of Adventures.
Its our 3rd visit, the last time was a couple of years ago
and the two youngest didn't really appreciate it, this time
they fully understood! as soon as one ride finished it was
'next ride, next ride' lol
Waiting for Daddy to come off the rollercoaster

Lewis in his 3D specs ready for Hocus Pocus hall

Holly wondering whether to brave the log flume

Half way down and loving it!

Again, again, was all i heard lol

Lewis filling the sponge ball launcher.

Charlotte and Lewis on the ferris wheel, i think she
was a bit worried lol

Holly on the bouncy castle

Lewis on the bumper cars with his Dad!

A brilliant day out!!
Hi Helene, I love those for sale t-shirts :-)
A quick reply to a message you left on my blog, the place my son is waiting for a position at is called Aspire and it is based in the Custard Factory. You might want to check it out even though you son has something lined up, the waiting list is long.
I want to go to Chessingtons World of Adventures~!! How awesome is that place. Looked great from all the photos. I bet everyone had a great time. Everything looks so nice and sunny too - we've had rain/overcast here all week. Been super cold here too.
The children are growing up. :)
Those scooters look like tons of fun too! We live close to an airport also, but don't have anything that neat there. We do see airplanes all the time, though, over our house. :)
Stonea, wow the Custard Factory is so close to us and yes i've heard of Aspire, is it anything to do with the workshops they do at primary schools?
The shirts are from ebay, the seller will write anything you want and you get a choice of colours too!
Thank you for getting back to me :-)
Debbie, it is a cool place, the kids are still talking about it :-)
Its a poor copy of the Florida parks though, its not until you visit one of those you realise just HOW wrong the UK are getting it lol
Maisy, That's cool that you get to see the planes over your house, Lewis would love that!!
That looks like sooo much fun! We have a spot to go to watch the planes, not real close to just duck over but well worth the trip when Noah gets a tad older...great idea. Chessingtons looks like the place to be and so much for the real littlies to do.
Cool! What a fun day. We have a place where we can watch the planes take off but it is not near as pretty. Chessingtons looks like a lot of fun, too.
Lovely to catch up with photos of the family. I love the T shirts! We are certainly having fantastic weather so far this summer and next week is supposed to be even hotter. My friend in Hertfordshire has had two hours of an horrific thunderstorm and it is still going. I always said she should move to sunny Suffolk as we have better weather here!
Sorry my last comment was deleted as I sent the same comment through twice!..not very good with technology!
The thunder storms have missed us prettty much, just rumbles of thunder in the back ground. I love them :-)
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