Saturday, 30 May 2009

Yipeee Summer is here :-)

We are definatly a garden family! ours is only small but
every minute we can we're in it! I am so glad the
better weather is here so that we can go outside :-)

Even older kids can have fun! We have a long path,
and they spent a good hour whizzing down it with Lewis
and Holly in tow!






Charlotte quite sensibly staying on the trampoline!


Lewis and Holly's new house :-)





Having a BBQ tonight as the weather is gorgeous, probably
the first of many :-)


Maisy said...

Looks like great fun all around. Can't wait to see what your garden yields. :)

Rchie, Queen of the Lads said...

Hang on, wasn't Charlotte quite sensibly staying on the trampoline in another set of pics lol? Or am I experiencing deja vu? You're a garden family and a close family, so good to see that everyone seems to enjoy each others company. Love your garden, hope to take a page out of your book one day. :)

Helene said...

Well considering Charlotte LIVES on the trampoline your probably right Rachael lol
Don't you have a garden already??

Deborah said...

Oh I love their new house. They'll be having a ton of fun with that over Summer.

We are still working on our garden in the back yard.

But it will mostly have to wait as we have just started Winter. :)

Rchie, Queen of the Lads said...

Yeah Helene, we do have a garden but it is not ours for the moulding. We do plant sopme things etc but it is alos VERY big and sparse so it would need a lot of work. Not a lot of work I want to spend on a house we don't own. Still, I plant flowers and like to keep it pruned and tidy (not that I necessarily keep up with it properly lol).

FLmom7 said...

Looks like they're having so much fun!