can't quite remember when!!
Lewis and Holly have only seen snow twice before, but they
were tiny and it only lasted a few hours and it was gone.
This time they were old enough to appreciate it and had
heaps of fun throwing snowballs and making snowmen :-)
It was snowing hard and we had a fair depth so i decided
to dig out my old sledge (or as Lewis insists on calling
it a toboggan!!)
I've had it since i was a kid, so i guess
it must be at least 40 years old and its still going strong.
The look on his face when i arrived complete with sledge to
pick him up from nursery lol, he had an absolute blast on
the way home!
When we got back Jessica was there and he tried to pull her,
and he did a bit, but she was just that little bit too heavy
for him lol.

Charlotte wanted to be the first to tread in the 'new' snow on
our trampoline :-)

I sent some of my pictures up to BRMB, a local radio station,
and they published them on their website, how cool is that??
Very Cool! By the way....I LOVE Charlotte's sweater!
She never takes it off Maisy!! every photo i take she seems to be wearing it. People will think she has nothing else to put on lol
Nice pictures. Looks they are having fun. My son wants it to snow here.
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