daughters 20th Birthday :-)
Being a Saturday, i expected her to have plans, a meet up with
friends at a bar or something, but no, she wanted a family party
at home! Awwwww
So we had the usual present opening, a buffet tea and I'd set
up our white board for a game of pictionary for after.
I chose 'Movies' as the theme and before she arrived i printed out
lots of movie names and cut them into slips.
For those who are unfamiliar with the game here are the basic rules.
1. you choose a slip of paper, read it and discard.
2. you describe the movie using only pictures, no words
3. the person who guesses correctly gets the next go.
I can't remember when i laughed so much, some of the drawings
were really comical and it took ages to get some of them lol
Who needs tv to be entertained???
Here are some photos

Holly decided to have a go lol

A lovely evening :-)
Happy Birthday to your daughter. 20 is fun. But strange, because you can't call your daughter "one of the teenagers" anymore.
I absolutely love how you make all your children feel so special. You go to great lengths to make their "day" uniquely theirs alone. That game, "Pictionary," is soooh fun! It really brings a group of people together, and creates great memories. :)
Wow - twenty years old, how scary is that. I can still remember her as a tiny baby! It is really lovely that she wants to spend her birthday with the family. It shows what a good strong family unit you have.
Awww thanks guys!
Opus (not sure if people want to be called by their real names on here lol)
We were laughing about that, the fact she hasnt been 'moody' since she was a teenager, there must be something in it, hormones i guess lol
Maisy, Jessica thought of playing it at Davids Party, using the kids little magnetic boards, and it went down well, so i went to whole hog and got the big white board out lol
Mrs T, It is scary! especially when you think we've known each other since we were 8 or 9??? You lived in the maisonette opposite me before moving into the grove lol
Happy memories :-) playing skipping with that huge rope that spanned the width of the road, and aky123 (sp) lol
And to think i now have a 23 year old!!!!
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