for a couple of days, i hardly see Michael with his busy social
life and yet on Tuesday i had EVERYONE home! and why? it was
Pancake Day lol Its like an unwritten rule that its a family
occasion :-) I hope they keep these traditions going when they
have children of their own.
I cooked a quick tea of bacon baps, hash browns and battered
onion rings, then it was on to the serious stuff!!
Our favourite, which might seem a little strange, is sausages
with golden syrup lol, people scorn until they actually try
it! we have converted many over the years :-) Lewis and Holly
don't actually like any sort of pancake yet, even with a sprinkle
of sugar, but i don't think my others did either until they got
to about 10 or something and now they can't get enough lol Good
job we have a gadget that cooks 6 at once!!

Also, we have been decorating :-) Its the bathrooms turn for a
spruce up!Its been 6 years since we did anything in there, so
it was all looking a bit tired. So far I've scrubbed all the tiles,
which are floor to ceiling on all four walls!! so you can imagine
that was quite a job. And i've re-grouted most of it. Looks fresh
and clean. The ceiling now needs painting, the woodwork needs
glossing and all the new furniture needs to be put together and
putting in, so yeah busy busy!
I will probably post up some photos when we're done, so watch this
space :-)