I cant believe how much time has lapsed since i
last wrote here *blush*
Well i suppose my biggest news is the decision to stop trying
for another baby. I am sad, but ok with it at the same time!
I looked at the facts, 4 miscarriages in under 2 years,
the fact i don't seem to ovulate without clomid any more
and perhaps more seriously, i seem to be having the
symptoms of ovarian cysts, so yeah, i am a mum of 7 :-)
and i am going to enjoy my little ones to the
max for those special months before they start school.
Also Lewis has had a birthday, he is now the grand age of 4!!
i did a joint party for him and Holly as their birthdays are so close.
(Holly will be 3 on the 15th Dec)

Oh and Christmas is a coming *doing a silly dance*
my favourite time of year! how can anyone NOT enjoy it???
I shop all year round, basically picking things up as i see them.
I've tried the last minute thing, but that creases us financially
and i can never find anything for anybody under pressure.
Our Decorations generally go up early and Andy is just as
'kid like' about it all as me, which is lucky lol

We have lots of traditions, like Christmas eve, we always
watch a family movie whilst peeling the vegetables and making
the stuffing for the next day, then we leave a carrot and a
mince pie out for Santa, and a card signed by all the kids,
then they trot to bed with a sack.
Christmas morning they open their stocking presents and run
in and out each others rooms, but they know NOT to go
downstairs until i call them.
I nip down first and put the fairy lights on (and the kettle lol) and
down they troup. They have breakfast first, THEN they are allowed
to open their presents. One by one with everyone gathered round
from eldest to youngest until they are all done (i have to make sure
each child has an equal amount!)
My Dad used to visit at this point, but since his illness we have left
the younger ones with the older ones and drive to his house instead
(he only lives 10 mins away), where we exchange presents and have
a drink. Then its back to check on the dinner.
By about 4pm we just collapse in the chairs and watch the
kids playing with their new things.
People say we spoil them, but heck if that's what i want
to do :-)
Someone asked about potty training??
To be honest i dread it each and every time, but its never
as bad as i imagine. To start I leave a potty around the
place for quite a while before i plan to train, and if they
want to wear it as a hat, that's fine too lol
at least they know its nothing to be frightened of.
Then on or around their 2nd birthday i start letting them
run around with nothing on and sit them on occasionally.
Most times they will do nothing and just get up again,
but if they manage something i praise them to the hilt
telling them how clever they are, and eventually they
seem to get the message.
One thing i don't do is scold if they wet themselves
or do it where they shouldn't, Its a case of, oh well it
doesnt matter, just do it in the potty next time :-)
Well that me for now, hope i havent bored anyone too much!!
last wrote here *blush*
Well i suppose my biggest news is the decision to stop trying
for another baby. I am sad, but ok with it at the same time!
I looked at the facts, 4 miscarriages in under 2 years,
the fact i don't seem to ovulate without clomid any more
and perhaps more seriously, i seem to be having the
symptoms of ovarian cysts, so yeah, i am a mum of 7 :-)
and i am going to enjoy my little ones to the
max for those special months before they start school.
Also Lewis has had a birthday, he is now the grand age of 4!!
i did a joint party for him and Holly as their birthdays are so close.
(Holly will be 3 on the 15th Dec)

Oh and Christmas is a coming *doing a silly dance*
my favourite time of year! how can anyone NOT enjoy it???
I shop all year round, basically picking things up as i see them.
I've tried the last minute thing, but that creases us financially
and i can never find anything for anybody under pressure.
Our Decorations generally go up early and Andy is just as
'kid like' about it all as me, which is lucky lol

We have lots of traditions, like Christmas eve, we always
watch a family movie whilst peeling the vegetables and making
the stuffing for the next day, then we leave a carrot and a
mince pie out for Santa, and a card signed by all the kids,
then they trot to bed with a sack.
Christmas morning they open their stocking presents and run
in and out each others rooms, but they know NOT to go
downstairs until i call them.
I nip down first and put the fairy lights on (and the kettle lol) and
down they troup. They have breakfast first, THEN they are allowed
to open their presents. One by one with everyone gathered round
from eldest to youngest until they are all done (i have to make sure
each child has an equal amount!)
My Dad used to visit at this point, but since his illness we have left
the younger ones with the older ones and drive to his house instead
(he only lives 10 mins away), where we exchange presents and have
a drink. Then its back to check on the dinner.
By about 4pm we just collapse in the chairs and watch the
kids playing with their new things.
People say we spoil them, but heck if that's what i want
to do :-)
Someone asked about potty training??
To be honest i dread it each and every time, but its never
as bad as i imagine. To start I leave a potty around the
place for quite a while before i plan to train, and if they
want to wear it as a hat, that's fine too lol
at least they know its nothing to be frightened of.
Then on or around their 2nd birthday i start letting them
run around with nothing on and sit them on occasionally.
Most times they will do nothing and just get up again,
but if they manage something i praise them to the hilt
telling them how clever they are, and eventually they
seem to get the message.
One thing i don't do is scold if they wet themselves
or do it where they shouldn't, Its a case of, oh well it
doesnt matter, just do it in the potty next time :-)
Well that me for now, hope i havent bored anyone too much!!
Helene, I could NEVER be bored with anything you write. You are gifted in sharing. :)
Again, your cakes are beautiful. You are very talented.
I LOVE that you put up decorations early. It really helps to get in the Christmas mood. I was energized to do that this year too. Do you kids buy for each other? Or just you, as parents for the kiddos??? Charlie gave me a new Kodak camera early so I could take pictures of the festivities this year. (We weren't supposed to get for each other this year.)
Janet (Maisy?? *scratching head*)
Gosh that was a quick reply, i'd only just posted it up lol
I'm hardly gifted hehe, i wasn't even entered for the higher exam at school in English, i took the lower level meant for the erm...not so bright lol
But i will admit, something has sort of clicked as in sentence structure, spelling ect since then. Better late than never huh?
So, you have your decs up too? Brilliant!!! You must post pics with your new camera!!
I love the way people in the USA go all out to trim their front gardens too, we don't tend to do that here in the UK! We have a few things up, but we're the only house in the road hehe.
As for pressies, Jessica always buys little things for her brothers and sisters, but she has a good job otherwise no. DH and i always exchange presents, funds allowing. We tend to open ours more privately after the children with a cuppa.
Anyways see you, you know where *wink*
Lovely decorations. Beautiful cake. I haven't even started my decorating yet. I like your Christmas traditions.
Hee Hee....ya, Helene. "Maisy" is the name my Dad affectionately calls me. It's special for my middle name, "May."
I do have some pictures up on my blog for Christmas decorations. Check it out. Some are with the old camera, and some with the new.
Helene I love the traditon you have there for the kids! and I love the way you write I feel like you are actually talking to me LOL.
WOW!!! Your house decorations for Christmas are BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I loved hearing about your family traditions too!!!!
I think I am going to be like you and start shopping early this year for next years Christmas- I stress myself out and never find what I want and never have enough money either!!! Great idea about buying throughout the year and then being able to just enjoy the holidays!!!
I am SO happy you finally updated :D DID you make the birthday cakes for Lewis and Holly???? GREAT JOB!!!!! They are both so darn cute!!!!
Lots of Love,
Your decorations are so lovely, Helene. :) Just like your family. How interesting that Santa gets a mince pie. Here, we stuff him full of cookies. No wonder our culture is the fattest on one earth! LOL
Keep posting. hint hint ;-)
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